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5204 Web Design

Ben Rice
Access code required


Mr. Rice Room 207                                                                                              Phone # 989-427-5175 ext:207



Our class will follow all the rules as stated in the School Handbook, unless otherwise explained below.


Class Rules:

Our class will operate on the following seven rules: 1- Give your best effort. 2- Be polite and kind. 3- Do not talk out of turn. 4- Be respectful and Responsible. 5- Come to class Prepared.

  • Being seated and prepared when the bell rings.
  • Take pride in being accountable for your actions and behaviors.

These rules are simple. A student's decision to follow or break them will determine how well the student likes or dislikes this class. Remember, attitude has a lot to do with success, and only we can control our attitudes.



Refer to the student handbook for more information. (Remember that tardies are cumulative throughout all classes)


Required Materials

Computer Login and school Gmail Login


Class dismissal

Students are expected to be involved in homework or activities until they are dismissed.  A certain time does not dismiss the student, Mr. Rice does.  All students must be in their seats to be dismissed.


Working Together/Copying/Cheating

Students are allowed to work together on most in-class and homework assignments.  Working together is NOT permitted on Quizzes, projects or Tests.  Students who COPY homework will be considered cheating and any cheating is considered a zero on the assignment and an incident will be recorded.


Food/ Drink Policy

Only water is allowed in the class due to the computers also being in the class room. Water bottles are to be set on the floor and not on the table tops. Failure to follow this rule may result in the loss of privilege to have water in the classroom.


Bathroom Passes

Students may request to visit the bathroom at an appropriate time during class. The teacher has the power to deny a bathroom pass for any reason. The bathroom pass is only used to visit the bathroom in a timely manner. Students must have their handbook in order to be in the hall.




Computers are to be used for in-class activities, unapproved websites will not be tolerated. Failure to follow this will result in a lunch detention (see classroom consequences for further disciplinary action).


Student Guidelines for Homework

All work that is done in class should be able to be finished during the allotted class time, given that students are on task and working. If students do not finish, they may need to stay after school, come in to school early, work during lunch, or at home to complete assignments.


Evaluation and Grading:

Practice- These types of assignments may be done in the classroom or assigned as homework to be completed outside of the classroom.  The purpose of this type of assignment is to give students the opportunity to work with concepts, topics, or skills that have been presented in class.  These assignments will not be a part of the overall grade because students are learning to work with the concepts, BUT they are important components for students to complete because they give a student the best chance to perform well on summative assessments. 


Formative Assessment- These types of assignments are meant to give feedback to both students and teachers regarding the student’s understanding of a concept or group of concepts.  This type of assignment could include, but is not limited to:  quizzes, conferencing, discussion, games, learning logs, individual white boards, and practice presentations.  These assignments are not counted as part of the grade because they are a part of the learning process.


Summative Assessment- These types of assignments are meant to define the student’s level of understanding of a concept or ability to perform a skill and lead to a grade.  Summative assessments are given after a student has had the opportunity to practice concepts and skills and has demonstrated their level of understanding through a formative assessment or series of formative assessments.  This type of assignment could include, but is not limited to:  quizzes, tests, papers, projects, speeches, presentations, demonstrations, and portfolios.  These assignments are used to communicate the level of understanding to students and parents through a grade.

Grading Policy

Summative Assessments – 80%      Class Participation – 20%       Homework – 0%

The Final Exam with be worth 20% of the summative assignments grade

Grading Scale

93-100             A

90-92               A-

87-89               B+

83-86               B

80-82               B-

77-79               C+

73-76               C

70-72               C-

67-69               D+

63-66               D

60-62               D-

Below 60         F


Students who do all their work and put forth their best effort earn an A. Students who do no work and make no effort earn an F. This may sound rather obvious, but sometimes students forget they are responsible for their own grades. Please remember that grades are not something a teacher gives, they are something students earn.


Late Work Policy:

You have 2 weeks after the due date to get assignments turned in. After this 2 week period has ended, you will receive a 0 if the assignment is not turned in.


If You Are Absent:

It is your responsibility to find out what you missed and get caught up. First, ask another classmate then ask the teacher if you do not understand. Do not ask the teacher directly, be responsible and self-directed!

It is your responsibility to make-up any assignments or tests in a timely manner when you return from an absence. Follow this procedure:

If you need to make-up a test you must make arrangements with the teacher during the last 10 minutes of class. They can be taken before school, during lunch, or after school.


Classroom Consequences:

  1. First time you will be given a warning.*I reserve the right to skip any steps deemed appropriate based on the severity/frequency of the infraction.

  2. Second time will be a lunch detention

  3. Third time will be an office referral.

Cell Phones:

Cell phones will not be used nor visible/heard in the classroom, they will be confiscated. Please refer to the student handbook for more details about the schools cell phone policy.

*If I confiscate a cell phone in class it is an automatic write up.







We will be using a variety of websites throughout the semester and you will need to have access to your school email account in order to create accounts for some of them.


Web Design_Scope&Sequence.doc

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